The top 10 Grimsby chiropractor approved activities for the summer.

Abigail Jamieson • Apr 24, 2023

Grimsby Chiropractor Activities for a Healthy Summer.


A chiropractor is a healthcare professional who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal problems, with an emphasis on the spine. While sunbathing, swimming, hiking, biking, or going to the beach are all common summer activities that many people engage in during this season, did you know there are some unique Niagara chiropractor-approved activities tailored specifically for enjoying this lovely weather? Not only do these activities come with a plethora of health benefits but they also provide an exciting new way to enjoy your family outings while getting away from the hustle & bustle. In this post, we’ll take a look at the top ten chiropractor-approved activities perfect for experiencing sunny summer days!



Swimming - provides a great full-body workout with low impact on joints and spine

Swimming is not only a refreshing way to cool off on a hot day, but it also offers a fantastic full-body workout with low impact on joints and the spine. When you swim, you engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously, providing a cardiovascular workout without putting too much stress on the body. This makes it a great exercise option for people with joint pain or who are recovering from an injury. Swimming can also improve your endurance, strength, flexibility, and overall health. Just a few laps in the pool can leave you feeling energized, rejuvenated, and ready to tackle the day ahead. So, whether you are a seasoned athlete or just looking to add some low-impact exercise to your routine, swimming is a great option that is not only beneficial for your body but also a lot of fun.



Cycling - increases core strength, balance, and coordination, while strengthening the lower back

Cycling isn't just a great way to get outdoors and explore the world around you, it's also an excellent form of exercise that can do wonders for your body. One of the biggest benefits of cycling is the way it helps to increase core strength, balance, and coordination. This is because cycling requires you to engage your core muscles to maintain proper form and balance on your bike, which ultimately helps to strengthen these muscles over time. Additionally, cycling can also help strengthen your lower back, which is an important part of your body that supports your everyday movements and activities. So whether you're a casual rider or a serious cyclist, getting out on your bike and pedaling away is a fantastic way to improve your overall health and well-being.



Yoga - improves flexibility, balance, and posture for improved spinal health

Yoga is not only a great way to relax your mind and reduce stress, but it is also an effective way to improve your spinal health. By practicing yoga poses, you can increase your flexibility, balance, and posture, which are all essential for maintaining a healthy spine. Improved flexibility in your muscles and joints makes it easier for your body to move and reduces the risk of injury. Additionally, good balance helps you maintain stability while moving, reducing the likelihood of falls that can lead to spinal problems. Lastly, maintaining proper posture helps to take the pressure off your spine, allowing it to function optimally. Consistent yoga practice can contribute to a healthier body and happier life.



Hiking - reduces stress and anxiety, increases aerobic fitness, and strengthens muscles in the legs, core, and back

Hiking is a wonderful way to not only explore the great outdoors but also to benefit your health. Apart from being an enjoyable physical activity, hiking has numerous advantages for your overall well-being. It is an effective method of reducing stress and calming anxiety, which is essential in today's fast-paced world. Hiking also provides an excellent cardiovascular workout, improving aerobic fitness and strengthening muscles in the legs, core, and back. So grab your hiking boots, get out there, and let the stunning scenery and therapeutic benefits of nature do their magic!



Gardening - increases overall strength as you dig, pull weeds, lift bags of soil, or push a wheelbarrow


Gardening is not just a relaxing hobby but also a great workout for the body. With all the digging, weeding, lifting bags of soil, or pushing a wheelbarrow, it is no surprise that gardening can increase overall strength. Whether you are planting flowers or vegetables, tending to your garden requires physical exertion that engages different muscle groups in your body. Gardening is a great way to burn calories and build endurance while enjoying the great outdoors. So, if you want to get in better shape while beautifying your surroundings, gardening may be the perfect activity for you.


Choosing the right activity to maintain your spine health can be tough, so it is important to look into the options and decide which activity meshes best with your lifestyle. Swimming is a wonderful exercise that offers a great full-body workout without putting too much pressure on joints or the spine, cycling increases core strength, balance, and coordination and yoga helps improve flexibility, balance, and posture. Other activities like gardening provide plenty of strengthening benefits for the back. Hiking provides a great combination of physical fitness and stress relief.


In any case, choosing a form of exercise that you enjoy is key for long-term success with spinal health routine exercise. If you have further questions about incorporating different activities into your well-being journey or would like to find out more about other ways to maintain an optimal spinal health routine, West Niagara Chiropractic & Wellness Centre is always accepting new patients. With their team of highly experienced professionals equipped with state-of-the-art technology and therapies, you can be certain that you are always in good hands.

Man Hiking
By Chelsey Smith 15 Apr, 2024
When venturing into the great outdoors for a walk or hike, it's crucial to prioritize safety to ensure a pleasurable and secure experience. Before setting out for a hike, always inform someone about your intended route and expected return time. Dress appropriately for the weather, wearing layers that can be added or removed as necessary, and choose well-fitting, supportive footwear to protect against injuries. Additionally, packing essentials such as water, snacks, a map, compass, or GPS device, and a first-aid kit can help you stay hydrated, energized, and oriented, while also being prepared for any minor mishaps. Remember, the key to a successful outdoor adventure lies in preparation, awareness, and respecting nature's unpredictability. In addition to preparing your gear and informing others of your plans, it's also vital to be mindful of the environment you're exploring. Stay on marked trails to minimize your impact on the surrounding flora and fauna, and always pack out what you bring in, leaving no trace behind. Be aware of the local wildlife and maintain a safe distance at all times; this respects their natural habitat and ensures your safety. Weather can change swiftly in many outdoor settings, so always check the forecast before you leave and be prepared for unexpected shifts. Lastly, if you’re venturing into remote or unfamiliar territory, consider hiking with a companion or group. Not only does this enhance the overall experience with shared memories, but it also adds a layer of safety, ensuring that help is at hand should you need it. If I do a daily walk how long should it be? The length of your daily walk can vary depending on your fitness level, health goals, and time availability. For most people, aiming for a minimum of 30 minutes of brisk walking each day is recommended by health professionals. This can help to maintain cardiovascular health, improve mood, and manage weight. However, if you're just starting out or have limited time, even a 15-minute walk can yield benefits. Ultimately, the best walking routine is one that fits seamlessly into your lifestyle and can be consistently maintained over time. Remember, it's not just about the duration but also the consistency and enjoyment of your walks that contribute to a healthier, more active life. If experience any aches and pains you’re unsure about, the team of professionals at West Niagara Chiropractic and Wellness Centre in Hamilton and Grimsby will help you on your road to wellness so you can enjoy Spring. By taking advantage of the range of chiropractic and holistic treatments at West Niagara Chiropractic and Wellness, your mind and body will thank you! Help and advice are a phone call away at (905) 945-3730!
Weight Training
By Chelsey Smith 12 Mar, 2024
Weight training, also known as strength training or resistance training, has been scientifically proven to offer numerous health benefits, making it an essential component of a comprehensive fitness regimen. Not only does it build muscle mass and increase strength, but it also contributes to fat loss, improves bone density, and enhances metabolic rate. Furthermore, engaging in regular weight training can reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and arthritis, while also improving mental health by reducing anxiety, depression, and enhancing cognitive function. Despite its myriad benefits, it is crucial to approach weight training with caution and proper knowledge. Beginners should consider seeking guidance from a certified fitness professional to ensure the correct form and technique, minimizing the risk of injury. It's also essential to start with lighter weights and gradually increase the intensity as strength and confidence grow. Incorporating a variety of exercises targeting different muscle groups can promote balanced muscle development and prevent overuse injuries. Tailoring your weight training regimen to fit your unique health conditions, goals, and lifestyle is the key to reaping the maximum benefits while ensuring safety and sustainability. Additionally, incorporating rest days into your weight training schedule is vital for muscle recovery and growth. Muscles need time to repair and strengthen after a workout session, and over training can lead to decreased performance, fatigue, and a higher risk of injury. It is recommended to allow at least 48 hours of rest between exercising the same muscle group and to listen to your body’s signals. Proper nutrition also plays a critical role in supporting your weight training efforts. Consuming a balanced diet rich in proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals can help fuel your workouts, aid in recovery, and contribute to muscle growth. Remember, integrating weight training with cardiovascular exercises, flexibility workouts, and a healthy lifestyle can create a well-rounded fitness program that promotes overall well-being. Recognizing when you've made a mistake or veered off course in your weight training regimen can be as important as the exercises themselves. Some telltale signs that you might need to adjust your routine include experiencing persistent soreness or injuries, a plateau in strength gains or muscle growth, and feelings of excessive fatigue rather than vitality post-workout. If you find your motivation waning or dread your training sessions, it may also indicate that your program isn't aligned with your personal goals or preferences, necessitating a reassessment of your regimen. It's essential to remain attentive to your body's signals and be willing to adapt your routine. Consultation with a fitness professional can provide valuable insights and adjustments to ensure your weight training continues to be both safe and effective, helping you stay on track toward achieving your fitness objectives. If feel you have injured something, don’t forget to call on the team at West Niagara Chiropractic and Wellness Clinic. While weight training offers significant benefits and should be a staple in fitness routines, it doesn't necessarily need to be included in every workout session. The key to a balanced fitness program lies in variety, which helps prevent overuse injuries, promotes full-body strength, and keeps workouts engaging. Alternating weight training days with cardiovascular exercise, such as running, biking, or swimming, and including flexibility practices like yoga or Pilates, can provide comprehensive health benefits. This holistic approach ensures that you're not only building muscle and strength but also improving your heart health, flexibility, and mental well-being. Tailoring your workout schedule to fit your body's needs and recovery capacity is essential, as this customization will help optimize your overall fitness and health. The team of professionals at West Niagara Chiropractic and Wellness Clinic will help you stay healthy during your journey of exercising safely they are phone call away at (905) 945-3981!
By Chelsey Smith 04 Mar, 2024
When planning to exercise outdoors, always consider the weather conditions and dress appropriately to protect yourself from the elements. Layers are essential for managing body temperature fluctuations, and protective gear such as sunglasses, hats, and sunscreen can guard against sun exposure. Don’t forget that staying hydrated is crucial, so carry sufficient water, especially during hot days. Always inform someone about your exercise route or schedule and consider carrying a phone for emergencies. Understanding the terrain and environment where you will be exercising is also critical. Make sure to acquaint yourself with the area, noting any potential hazards like uneven paths, bodies of water, or wildlife. When venturing into less familiar or remote locations, a map or GPS device can be invaluable tools for maintaining your bearings. Additionally, choose well-lit areas if you'll be out during dawn, dusk, or night, and wear reflective clothing to ensure you are visible to others, particularly motorists. Regular exercise has myriad benefits for both body and mind, and doing it outdoors can elevate the experience further. Fresh air can invigorate your senses and connect you with nature, while natural sunlight boosts your vitamin D levels. However, it's essential to listen to your body to prevent injury. Start with a warm-up to prepare your muscles and joints, and finish with a cool-down to aid recovery. Be mindful of your fitness level and gradually increase the intensity and duration of your workouts to match your abilities. Remember that rest days are just as important as exercise days for muscle recovery and overall well-being. The type of exercises you choose to do outdoors can vary widely based on your personal fitness level, interests, and the environment around you. For beginners, walking, jogging, or cycling are great ways to start, as they require minimal equipment and can be done in most outdoor spaces. If you're looking for more intensity, trail running or interval training in a park can significantly boost cardiovascular health. For those who enjoy group activities, many communities offer outdoor fitness classes or sports league participation. And don't overlook the power of play; engaging in recreational activities like frisbee, soccer, or swimming can be both fun and effective workouts. Remember to start at an appropriate level for your fitness and gradually increase the intensity to avoid injury. Determining the optimal amount of exercise depends on various factors, including age, health status, and fitness goals. The recommendation for is that adults aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity activity each week, coupled with muscle-strengthening activities on 2 or more days a week. Yet, these are guidelines rather than one-size-fits-all solutions. It's important to start slowly, particularly if you are new to exercising, and gradually increase the frequency, duration, and intensity of your workouts. Listening to your body and consulting with a healthcare professional can help you tailor an exercise regimen that is safe and effective for your personal health and fitness aspirations. While minor aches and pains from outdoor exercise can often be remedied with rest and home treatment, certain types of injuries may warrant a visit to a chiropractor. These include persistent joint pain, especially in the spine or pelvis, that does not improve with rest or that interferes with daily activities. If you experience sharp pains shooting down your limbs, or numbness and tingling, indicative of possible nerve interference or damage, seeking chiropractic care can be beneficial. Moreover, musculoskeletal alignment issues or limited range of motion after a fall or impact while exercising outdoors could require a chiropractor's expertise to correct any subluxations. As always, it is wise to reach out to West Niagara Chiropractic and Wellness Clinic if you have any uncertainty about the severity of an injury.  The team of professionals at West Niagara Chiropractic and Wellness Clinic will help you stay healthy during your journey of exercising safely! They are phone call away at (905) 945-3981!
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